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Quick Inquiry

Booking informations

Check in - check out:

Check in from 15.00 Uhr
Check out until 10.00 Uhr

Payment Methods

cash or bank transfer

Bank details:

Account: Anton Hauser
Bank: Sparkasse Schwaz

IBAN: AT182051000601616386

The general terms and conditions apply to hotels (please note our own cancellation policy):  > Download Österreichische Hotelvertragsbedingungen

However, the following cancellation conditions apply for cancellations:

  • Until 28 days before arrival free of charge
  • 27 to 10 days before arrival 40% of the total package price
  • 9 days or less before arrival 80% of the total package price
  • In case of early departure 80% of the remaining package price will be charged
  • Cancellations are only valid in writing

Cancellation Insurance:

In order to protect yourself against the possible cost of strona, we recommend the conclusion of a holiday insurance, which you could complete here - http://start.europaeische.at


If the guest does not appear until 6.00 pm of the agreed arrival day, there is no accommodation requirement, unless a later arrival date has been agreed.

If the guest has paid a deposit, the premises are reserved until 12 noon the day following the agreed arrival day.

Ski passes:

Since we only provide the schipass, there is no way to reimburse those costs for early departure, for whatever reason

Appartements Kaltenbach

Hauser Anton, Mühlenweg 11
A - 6272 Kaltenbach

Tel u. Fax: +43 5283 3709
Mobil: +43 650 3844097 
Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.